inerest in your products > 카다로그 신청

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inerest in your products

페이지 정보

작성자Mrs. Mazalit St…


Dear Sir / Madam

We are one of the major companies in Israel Manufacturing and Exporting our Multi-play equipment to our local market as well as to many other countries.
We respectfully represent our Intl. suppliers with great pleasure,
and i will appreciate if you can visit our website -

Currently, we are interested in your products as seen on your website and I will be happy to receive more information, your catalogue and pricing, EN Standards information etc.
also will appreciate receiving pics of combined built playgrounds (not simulation)
 Looking forward to your kind reply.

Mazalit Stav
R&D Manager
** sent from my private email


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Head office 본사 부산광역시 북구 산성로 43 5층 대표전화 051-338-7858 팩스 051-338-7860
Factory 경상남도 김해시 상동면 묵방로 17 대표전화 055-322-7858 팩스 051-312-7858
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